
IDENTICAL TWINS Get Wisdom Teeth REMOVED | How Will the Twins Re?

2017-11-16 1 Dailymotion

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Our orthodontist gave us each 90-days to have our wisdom teeth removed before they began to mess with our alignments! We just had our braces removed this year, so we had no choice but to schedule to have them out yesterday!\r
Bailey went first, since she is used to surgeries, but I had never had a surgery before. The Doctor said that people usually respond to the anesthesia in 1 of 3 ways:\r
* Very Emotional: Cry over everything\r
* Tired and mostly asleep\r
* Loopy and chatty\r
Can you guess which one we fell under? It may not be what you think! Yes, I was an emotional wreck, crying about everything and wishing and wishing to hold a baby. Bailey was super happy and kept commenting on her new haircut! SO FUNNY!\r
We promised we would film this, and want you to know that there really wasnt anything to be afraid of. We were in and out quickly, in about 40 minutes each, and once the surgery medication wore off, it was so funny to see our reions!\r
Me, like serious, a BABY???\r
We love you all, and hope you have as good of a laugh at our reions as we did!\r